My enjoyment of “Spinning Silk” by Taya Cook began with the beautiful cover and ended with the satisfying journey of a young Japanese girl from orphan to more than anyone ever imagined.
I love reading stories based on re-imagined fairytales and folklore. This story was particularly intriguing because it is based on Japanese folklore, which I knew nothing about, including legendary spider-warriors.
Woven in with the folklore is the solid character arc of Furi, raised a slave, coveted for her talent in weaving silk. Her journey crosses paths with a mysterious gardener, a selective illness and a generous provider with selfish motives. Danger and death seem to follow Furi with no easy explanation. All these experiences are filled with mystery and plot twists and turns that lead Furi closer to a destiny beyond worldly understanding. I enjoyed this journey with Furi and became invested in her drive to survive and also to create beauty where ever she went and in whatever circumstance she found herself in.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for diversity and a peek inside Japanese folklore. A huge bonus is that the plot and character development are definitely worth investing in as well.