Saturday, April 19, 2014

Gospel Doctrine OT C15: Fiery serpents

Gospel Doctrine OT c15 Fiery serpents
Numbers 12-14, 21:4-9
Activity: Stand a class member on one side of the room. Indicate the other side of the room is the Promised Land. The class member must walk to the Promised Land but he must look behind him the whole way. After all is said and done, it would be must easier to make that journey looking forward. Where we are looking is important.

The Prophet c12
Story of Miriam and Aaron – They spoke against Moses as their presiding authority, pointing out that they too had received revelation and the Lord rebukes them.
            Num 12:1-6 – summary, rebuke
                        12:7-8 – how the Lord talks to Moses
?How are we affected when we criticize church leaders?
?How can our criticism of church leaders affect our family and friends?
                        12:9-10 – what happens to Miriam?
?How did Moses react to Miriam’s punishment?
?How can we use Moses’ reaction in our own lives? How do you respond to criticism?
?How do you follow the prophet? Bottom line question!

The Promised Land/eternal life c12-13
13:1-3, 17-20 Moses sends 12 men to scout out Canaan, which is supposed to be their promised land. They are gone 40 days. When they come back, this is their report.
13:27-33 men’s reports
?What is the difference in the reports?

Hinckley:  “Ten of the spies were victimsm of their own doubts and fears. The gave a negative report of the numbers and statue of the Canaanites. … They compared themselves as grasshoppers to the giants they had seen in the land.

“We see some around us who are indifferent concerning the future of this work, who ar apathetic, who speak of limitations, who expres fears, who spend their time digging out and writing about what they regard to be weaknesses which really are of no consequence. With doubt concerning its past, they have no vision concerning its future.” (Conf Rep Oct, 1995).

?How do some of us make the same error as the 10 spies?
14:6-9 How was Caleb’s and Joshua’s report different?
?What were Caleb and Joshua looking toward? Promised Land, hopeful future?
?What are some ways we can follow their example, especially in difficult times? Spirititual, mortal, social

Hinckley: “There is no place in this work for those who believe only in the gospel of doom and gloom. The gospel is good news. It is a message of triumph. It is a cause to be embraced with enthusiasm.

“The Lord never said that there would not be troubles. Our people have known afflictions of every sort as those who have opposed this work have ocme upon them. But faith has shown through all their sorrows. This work has consistently moved forward and has ndever taken a backward step since its inception. …

“This is an age of pessimism. Ours is a mission of faith. To my brethren and sisters everywhere, I call upon you to reaffirm your faith, to move this work forward across the world. You can make it stronger by the manner in which you live.” (Conf Rep. Oct. 1995).

14:26-35 because of murmuring- 40 days turned into 40 years. Only Caleb and Joshua were originals to see Promised land.

In the Book of Mormon we read about the Liahona. How did the Liahona work? Scriptures tell us the Liahona was a type. Alma 37:43-47

The Savior c21:4-9
Why didn’t the Lord get rid of the serpents? Because the serpents were not the problem.
?What was the problem?
1 Nephi 17:41
Alma 37:46-47
?If the way is easy-why do we make it so complicated?

Jacob 4:14
?How do we make it complicated?
?What is the mark? Simple, saving principles and ordinances. What are they?
?How can we keep our focus on Christ and not on other things?

Elder Carlos E. Asay: “We, like Israel of old, must rivet our eyes and minds upon the cross of Christ if we hope to gain eternal life, because through his resurrection e will gain the victory over physical death. And his atonement opens up to us a way to overcome our sins, a way to spiritual rebirth, and a way back to the presence of God.

“The direction of our look is critical. … Our looks must not be allowed to wander across the way or to become fixed upon the perishable things of the world. The eye … must be trained to look upward. WE must look to God and live!” (conf rep. Oct 1978)

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